Charcoal Chimney Starter


First, you’ll need to take out the cooking grate from your grill.
Then, fill your Chimney Starter all the way to the top with charcoal (you can use less if you aren’t cooking as much food).
Set the lighter cubes on the charcoal grate and light them.
Then you’ll need to set the Chimney Starter directly on top of the lighter cubes, on the charcoal grate. The fire from the cubes will begin burning the charcoal and the flames will grow upwards from there. Depending on weather conditions, in about 10 to 15 minutes the coals should be sufficiently lit to pour into the grill. You’ll know the coals are ready when the ones on top have started to turn a bit gray with ash.
Now it’s time to pour the coals onto the charcoal grate, and arrange them based on whether you are going to cook over direct or indirect heat.